Kamis, 10 November 2011

11 - 11 - 11

11-11-11. I had a boring nice-date. Nothing fun, flat, and gettin' bored. Now imagine your life as mine. Oh, and let me introduce my self. My name's amany mahdy azzahra, purple enthusiast. You can find me on twitter @medyazhr. I was born at Hero's city of Indonesia, Soe-ra-bad-ja, April 2nd 1999. I'm a hardcore Swifty. I'm a dork in my class, I admit it. I'm not populer of course, but I have nice friends. I'm not rich, but I have what I need. I may not be liked, but I know I'm loved. Okay now, end of introduction. Gbye

Be yours. Learn to admit your mistakes before someone exaggerates the story

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Cute Polka Dotted Pink Bow Tie Ribbon Blowing In The Wind Pink And Green Flower Greyson Chance